March 5, 2009

Homemade Bibimbap

This is the first decent meal I've made in Korea. I know it just looks like a pile of mush, but that's what's good about it.

The cafeteria lunches at work are good too. So far they've just been traditional Korean food like kimchi, dakgalbi, rice, and other things that I don't know the name of. My co-teacher said that the school has a nutritionist that looks over all the lunches to make sure they're healthy and tasty. It really puts American school lunches to shame.

I haven't eaten anything very unusual since I've been here because I have little idea what the menus say, so I generally just randomly point to something or read it out slowly and poorly. The only really new thing for me was sea cucumber, which didn't taste like much because the sauce it was in was so strong.

1 comment:

  1. i just listened to the second track here along with the audio clip below and it was amazing. sounds like you are doing well. keep posting!
