December 28, 2009


Today was the first day of winter camp. I arrived at school about an hour early because I had to prepare some stuff. Of course, when I got there, the electricity was out in half of the teachers' office, so my computer (which had all of the files I need for the camp) wouldn't turn on. Also, the heating was off, and the internet didn't work in my classroom. Eventually, most of those problems were solved, but it's still freezing in school.

I can't imagine what kind of sick parents sends their kids to school during vacation to take extra English classes. Koreans are insane.

Fortunately, most of the kids who come to extra classes like this are fairly upper-level. Also, there were only about 16 students today, which is a real treat compared to my usual 40.

I just ate a big ol bowl of gamjatang (pork spine soup). Now I'm stuffed, and all I want to do is sleep. I think I may do that. It's snowy out, and this kind of weather really zaps all my motivation. I ain't cut out for it. Hello, bed.

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